• Ceramic glaze ingredients in the composition of the process

    Chrome oxide: In the firing from 1040C to 1165C, 2% to 5% of the amount is green in lead-free or lead-free glazes, and in low-temperature firing of about 870C, glaze is high in lead-containing amounts. In the case of red, tin oxide in the g...

    2018-05-17 admin 941

  • From the production process to see the full glazed tiles

    Drop glaze in the production process is under the glaze color technology, product design and color is rich, clear texture, surface shining brilliantly clean product features, such as the surface is a layer of wet printing glaze or pour glaz...

    2018-05-17 admin 742

  • Technical introduction of full - cast glazed tiles.

    Full-glazed glaze adopts the worlds most advanced 3D inkjet technology. Through the use of pigments and inks, the texture and color of natural stone are vividly restored. The degree of glaze texture simulation reaches more than 95 percent....

    2018-05-17 admin 891

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